"Who Killed the Electric Car?," which has been transferred to film from video, runs efficiently on its own energy and sincerity, which makes it not unlike the car it mourns. It may also be the most timely movie since "The China Syndrome," considering that gas is $3 a gallon, some profits go to countries that support terrorists and GM is fighting for survival -- in no small part because of its inability to have anything like vision.

— Detroit Free Press

Why Electric Cars?

Electric cars are quieter, cleaner and cheaper to run than gas-powered cars. As to why they haven't been fully adopted yet - watch Who Killed the Electric Car? for the story.

Here, in a nutshell, are a few key benefits of electric cars:

1. Electricity is cheaper than gas, and can come from renewable resources such as solar and wind power.

2. Electric cars pollute less than gas-powered cars (especially when renewable energy sources are used to generate the electricity).

3. Electric cars are much more reliable and require less maintenance than gas-powered cars. You don't even need to get your quarterly oil change!

4. By using domestically-generated electricity rather than relying on foreign oil, we can achieve energy independence and will no longer need to engage in costly wars in the Middle East to secure an energy supply.

5. Electric cars can utilize the existing electric grid rather than require the development of a new, expensive energy infrastructure (as would be the case with hydrogen).

For more information on electric cars, including answers to those skeptical questions, please see Plug In America's Frequently Asked Questions.